What Does A Bad Print Job Cost?

What Does A Bad Print Job Cost?

The first question is who's responsible. Typically, mistakes made during production can be contributed to the printing company. They should cover the direct cost of rerunning your print job. While this saves you from directly paying for the same job twice, it will not save you from other indirect costs. These indirect costs can be many times more expensive than the original cost of the print job.

The usual indirect costs are wasted time and opportunities. When a job must be redone, it naturally means a delay. It means your employees must get involved again with the printing process, from approving proofs to signing off on press sheets. You have to pay for the numerous man hours wasted on redoing a botched job.

Other indirect costs can be more severe. Invitations, time-sensitive mailers, and conference materials that do not arrive on time reflect terribly on a brand and cost business. When inventory gets held up, you cannot sell any of it, hurting your bottom line. Worse, should a national retailer find a flaw in a product line’s packaging, they can contractually force the manufacturer to pull all affected products from the shelves. Guess who the manufacturer will blame? In this scenario, the damages incurred are enormous.

Finally, when a printing company is considered a Tier 1 Supplier, meaning their printed materials are a critical part of a company's’ production, delays and problems can shut down assembly lines and supply chains. One of my clients would lost $180,000 per minute - yes, minute - if their inventory of printing material ran out. When a Tier 1 Supplier’s mistake halts production, everyone suffers.

Adams is one of two printers in the nation to hold a 100% vendor rating from Target, Walgreens, CVS, Lowes, and other national retailers. We are Tier 1 Suppliers to companies like Porsche and Bentley. Adams earned this rating by delivering flawless printing materials on time for each job we completed. When top manufacturers need packaging printed perfectly, they turn to Adams.

Contact me to learn how Adams and I can help you.

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