Fine Printing for Bentley Motors



For nearly a century, the name Bentley Motors has been synonymous with handcrafted luxury. The client needed a high-end letterhead that matched the brand's attention to detail.  

Porsche Financial Services had a sample of a Bentley letterhead that had been printed some time ago. As is often the case with large companies, however, no one knew who had ordered the previous letterhead or who the supplier was. Adams was provided with an updated logo and asked to match the sample. At first glance, I was fairly confident we would be able to improve upon what they had by achieving a deeper emboss and improving the display of the layers in the logo.



While we were confident we could improve the look of previous Bentley logo, finding a match for the paper used in the existing letterhead proved to be a bit more difficult. I visited a paper house and browsed through numerous sample books, but couldn't find a match. Finally, I viewed the sample with my loop and was able to detect a tiny dot. The paper had been tinted, so making a copy would be more of a challenge. Now that I was able to match the color and texture of the paper – as well as improve the emboss – I went to work.


The finished product featured five hits of foil, emboss, and even a 2 percent dot. It proved to be the most challenging – and most rewarding if you get it right – letterhead ever. And we got it right.